
School Transport

Students can avail the school transport subject to availability of seats. The school does not entertain any request for changes in bus route to suit an individual’s Convenience, changing the bus stop for a day or a week is not entertained. As a rule such request must not be made. Children availing the school transport will not be allowed to go with their parents / guardians unless an emergency or with the prior permission of the school authorities. Parents of students are not allowed to travel in the bus. Parents are requested to see that the children are escorted to & from the bus stops. Children’s escort must be at the bust stop ten minutes before the arrival time of the bus.

Remember to :

  1. Inform the school office if there is any change in phone numbers or address.
  2. Update ypur mobile no. so that we can send information accordingly.

Rules for Getting on the Bus Safety :

  • Be at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to the arrival of the bus. Never run to or form the bus.
  • Wait at your designated stop in a safe place, back from the side of the road.
  • If you need to cross the street to get the bus, always wait until the bus has come to complete stop. Always walk, don’t run.
  • Hold the handrail as you get on the bus. Do not push or shove.

Rules for Riding the Bus Safely :

  • Take your seat promptly and sit properly, facing forward at all times.
  • Place bags and parcels under your seat or on your lap.
  • Keep the aisle of the bus clear at all times.
  • Always keep your head, hands and arms inside the bus.
  • Throwing objects inside or outside of the bus is not permitted.
  • Talk quietly; the driver needs to concentrate to drive the bus safely.
  • Fighting, shouting, or use of obscene language is not permitted.
  • Participate in all bus evacuation procedures.
  • Dangerous, disturbing, or annoying objects are not permitted on the bus.
  • Eating and drinking (this include chewing gum) is not allowed on school buses at any time.
  • Be aware that other students, including the bus driver, may have allergies to scents such as perfume, etc.
  • Always follow the bus driver’s instructions.

Rules for Leaving the Bus Safety :

  • Remain in the seat until the bus comes to a complete stop.
  • When you leave the bus, hold the handrail and take two large steps away from the bus cross the street in front of the bus.
  • Walk ahead at least ten giant steps (three meters). Cross only when the driver gives a signal. Proceed across the street, looking both ways for on-coming traffic. Cross the street in single line.
  • If everyone is getting off the bus, the people at the front leave first. Do not push.
  • If you drop something near the bus, do not pick it up, Tell an adult.
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